Tracking my progress.
- VBA1
- Batch
- PowerShell
- pester/TDD
- module creation
- C#
- exercism course finished
- pulumi
- basic c# deployment
- moderately complex c# deployment
- concepts
- grok async/await
- get language server working in jetbrains and Visual Studio Code
- Python
- Pandas & Datascience
- Build a web server
- Build a TUI
- Go
- Automation & DevOps
- Lambda/Serverless
- Charm TUI
- Partial components
- Full reactive "Elm" based design
- CLI helper tools
- DDD (Domain Driven Design) for a complex project
- design versioning support (such as v1/v2 running concurrently)
- concurrency
- expertise in goroutines
- expertise in channels
- observability
- leverage OTEL
- logging with context
- logging middleware
- slackbot
- build a slackbot
- figure out interaction model for UI elements
- openai integration
- slash command
- Kubernetes Operator
- contribute to one3
- build one from scratch
- build one that interacts with more security lifecycle operations
- Shell2
- Rust - someday!
- Zig
things I've decided to archive
Things I'll wait on, or am not as interested in anymore.
- Typescript
- Build a raycast extension
- Build a VSCode extension
- Use Pulumi to deploy an entire cluster with backups and everything from zero.
- Pulumi kubernetes fully done in apis (no calling helm)
Knowledge Roadmap🔗
- Microservices
- TDD (partially completed)