GitPod User Feedback

  1. Thank you GitPod for integrating with VSCode. 🎉
  2. Upcoming ssh support, so freaking cool! Are you using Chisel in the backend per the GitHub issues I found discussing workaround? As a Go dev, I'm interested âš¡ I believe Jetbrains + VSCode users will now both be able to leverage the same backend.
  3. GitHub took over the codespace arena with Visual Studio Codespaces being abandoned. Enterprise customers using Azure Repos can't benefit from any of this new flexibility 💔. Is it in the roadmap to support this enterprise arena with Azure Repos (Part of Azure DevOps suite)? With the pull request experience in Azure Repos, I'd love to leverage pre-built GitPod workspaces, even if it required the self-hosted component.
  4. Feature Request: Consider 1-3 private workspaces for the free tier, with maybe 1 active at a time like the Codespaces beta as a good route towards adopting for private projects and testing. A limited private count would help adoption for those wanting to experiment with it for small private projects. I'd guess it might help make the jump to paid easier as it would allow the adoption of workflow in private and public projects.
  5. Lastly, beautiful job on the website changelog, and thank you @mikenikles for the RSS implementation. Your website design is beautiful.