It's a bit interesting coming from a background with PowerShell and Pester as my primary unit test framework. For instance, in Pester you'd declare the anything, but autodiscovery works with *.tests.ps1, being the normal convention.
There is no pointer value providing the test package, it's just other PowerShell calling PowerShell.
I'm biased I know, but the first test condition being like below seems clunky. I was hoping for something that was more like Pester with test.Equals(got, want,"Error message") as the syntax is more inline to what I'd expect. I haven't dived in further so this is just a thought, hoping this is just the newbie 101 test case example and there are more succinct comparison and test methods available.
I'll stick with the default package while I'm learning. However, there is a package called Testify that is worth exploring if I find I still want assertions later on.