Log4 Brains Improves ADR Experience

I'm a fan of architectural decision records. Docs as code sets a practice for a team to track decisions in process and design.

Log4Brains provides markdown template based adr creation, with an option to render a static site for reading.

If you want to start managing your ADRs in a structured way, but benefit from simple markdown as the source files, then this is a great option to consider.

It's really easy to get started with docker, no npm install required.

Just run: docker run --rm -p 4004:4004 -v ${PWD}:/opt/adr trivadis/log4brains and open

# Proposal To Write a Microblog Post on ADRS

- Status: proposed
- Approver: Me
- Tags: microblog,hugo,magic

## Context and Problem Statement

Overally inhibiting view on tacos is preventing continual tacoops from meeting required SLA.

## Decision

- Tacos for everyone. 🌮