Use Driftctl to Detect Infra Drift

Use Driftctl to detect drift in your your infrastructure. This snippet generates a html report to show coverage and drift figures of the target.

For multiple states, you'll need to adapt this to provide more --from paths to ensure all state files are used to identify coverage.

$S3BucketUri = "terraform-states-$AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER/$AWS_REGION/$TERRAFORMMODULE/terraform.tfstate"
$Date = $(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss')
$ArtifactDirectory = (New-Item 'artifacts' -ItemType Directory -Force).FullName
&docker run -t --rm `
    -v ${PWD}:/app:rw `
    -v "$HOME/.driftctl:/root/.driftctl" `
    -v "$HOME/.aws:/root/.aws:ro" `
    -e "AWS_PROFILE=default" ` # Replace this with your aws profile name if you have multiple profiles
    cloudskiff/driftctl scan --from "tfstate+s3://$S3BucketUri" --output "html://$ArtifactDirectory/driftctl-report-$Date.html"

Optionally, you can adjust to recursively scan the state file of an entire bucket (say if using Terragrunt to store in special key prefixes).

  • Change to --from "tfstate+s3://mybucket/myprefix" without requiring the full path to a single tfstate file.
  • Recursively search if in many subfolders with: **/*.tfstate.